Most of the time your cases will be created from a quote, but on the rare occasion that you have to create a case manually this guide will show you how to add the quote to the case.

How to link a case back to a quote

Click the People link next to your name


Select the person card the quote is attached to by clicking on the client’s name or the ‘View’ button


Make a note of the quote number on the person card


Click the Cases link next to your name



Select the case in question by clicking on the case address or ‘View’ button


In the Control Panel select Settings


On the settings page, under case information you will need to click the ‘Link Back?’ text as shown below


Using the drop down select the relevant quote and press save


When you return to the case settings page you will see a green notification bar that the case has now been linked back to a quote.  The quote number will be added to the ‘Created from Quote’ section under case information.