Can I request my clients to provide their identification?

If you’re using the Hoowla AML service you can request any client on the system to provide their ID using the request client ID’s button. This streamlined process was designed to make it as easy as possible for the solicitor and client to move through this check. The client will usually upload a photo of themselves as well as photos of their driving licence, passport, and proof of address. The client’s location will also be obtained for further accuracy. The supported image formats for this check are JPEG, PNG, PDF, HEIC and BMP.

How to request ID’s from the client

First click on the people link at the top of Hoowla.

Then locate the person you wish to request ID’s from and click on their name.

You will now see their person card which contains all their details. You will see the AML checks section. Press the “invite client to provide ID’s” button.

The client will then be sent an email to provide their ID’s by going through the provide ID’s process. Once they have done this their documents will show up here.