What is a Primary Client?

On cases in Hoowla there will usually be a primary client. This is the main client contact on the case and is responsible for filling in and signing any forms sent to them via missing data. On cases with two clients one will be the primary and the other will be the secondary.This guide will explain the differences between the two.

How do I know who is the Primary Client?

If you go to your case list and look at a case the primary client will be displayed at the top of the case under the address or name of the case,

How do I change the Primary Client?

Click on missing people in the people involved section on the case,

Then click on view all underneath the client circle,

Press the primary client button next to the name of the client you want to make the primary client,

What affect does being a Primary Client have on the case?

The primary client is the first point of contact for you on the case. They are the client that will be responsible for filling out forms, signing them, and their name and address will appear first on letters whee this is applicable. It’s important to note that when documents are sent to them, the secondary client will be able to sign them and view them only after the primary client has filled them in and signed them (if applicable)