What is an Undertaking?

Simply put, a solicitor’s undertaking is a promise by a solicitor or somebody on their behalf to do or to refrain from doing something. You can now record Undertakings in Hoowla and keep track of them to make sure they’re being upheld.

Within this exciting feature, you will be able to see what undertakings you have given and received both on an individual case and company wide through the central undertakings register. You will also be able to monitor which undertakings remain outstanding company wide to ensure that you are on top of risk at all times.

How can I do this in Hoowla?

Undertakings can be made both from within the case or directly from within the reports area within Hoowla. To start, make your way to a case in Hoowla. When you’re viewing the case go to the control panel and click on Undertaking Register,

You’ll now be in the Undertakings area for this case. Let’s start by creating an Undertaking,

To successfully create and Undertaking, we need to meet all the requirements listed at the bottom of this page,

You can specify if the Undertaking is outgoing (to someone) or incoming (from someone) here,

Make sure you give the Undertaking a name, registered date and description,

Once all this information has been filled in, you can create your Undertaking,

You’ll then be taken to see your list of Undertakings for the case you created it on,

You can see the information entered for the undertaking at a glance here,

You can also use the filters above to sort through all the Undertakings on the case,

There is also a search box so that you can search for them by description,

You have the ability to edit different parts of the Undertaking using this icon,

You can delete it by pressing this one,

You can add or change the discharge date using this icon,

Finally, by pressing this icon, you can record breaches against this specific undertaking,

Breaches work in a similar format, you need to fill in the similar details before you can submit one,

If you click on the Undertakings Register button near the top, you’ll be taken to the reports area to view the Undertakings report,

This report area shows you all your outstanding and discharged Undertakings,

You can also use the filters to search for specific Undertakings,

Furthermore, you can create Undertakings from this area too,

Feel free to make any edits to the Undertakings from this area too using these icons,