In Hoowla you can prevent cases from progressing via to-dos within the case. This can be useful if a crucial to-do or task needs to be checked over or signed off by someone else. You will need access to the workflows area in Hoowla to do this. Also, this feature requires a working knowledge of how teams work in Hoowla and you need to have a team setup within your Hoowla account. You can find our more about teams in Hoowla here

How can I do this in Hoowla?

Let’s start by going to setup,

Now click on workflows,

Find the milestone you want to add this onto and click on it,

Find the to-do that you want to require to be singed off on,

Click on options,

Tick the Prevent Case Progression box and save,

This to-do will now require a team to authorise it to be completed.